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What Elephants Know About
Hiring A Marketing Consultant

In writing this E-book about hiring a marketing consultant, I did a little research with artificial intelligence. I also consulted with several wise elephants.

Why consult with elephants, you ask?

Well, elephants’ brains have three times as many neurons as humans. And, according to many legends, they are extremely wise. In Asia, the Hindu god Lord Ganesha (the god of wisdom) has the body of a human and the head of an elephant. And, in Gabon, Central Africa, legend has it that elephants are past tribal chiefs.

Whether you believe that elephants house the souls of legendary chiefs, or possibly not . . . it just makes good sense to take advantage of their legendary wisdom. 

So, to be sure I covered all my bases, I consulted with both AI, and also with several elephants. AI was helpful, no doubt about it. But the elephants proved far wiser. What they shared with me is The Good News about hiring a marketing consultant. They also shared some Bad News about the fact that the marketing consultant you hire may not be successful. And finally, they shared some Ugly News that some unscrupulous consultants may take your money but not deliver results.

In this brief E-book, I share the good, bad and ugly information that the elephants shared with
me . . . about hiring a marketing consultant.