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Google Ad Grants
For Nonprofits

Does your nonprofit have a Google Ad Grant and Google Search advertising campaign? If not, you are missing out on a $10,000 per month and $120,000 annual grant opportunity. A Google Ad Grant is a priceless opportunity to promote your organization and its mission, front and center, at the top of the Internet.

The Google Ad Grants program has been available since 2003. And, since that time, I have been developing and managing Ad Grant campaigns that make life better for people, animals, and our planet. Over these past two decades, I have been consistently impressed by the extent to which grant-funded search ad campaigns increase participation in, and donor support for nonprofit programs.

Applying for a Google Ad Grant is a fairly straightforward process. Read more in this Article.

Overall, the Google Ad Grants program is a priceless resource for advertising 501(c)(3) nonprofit missions at the top of the Internet. If your 501(c)(3)  is working to make life better for people, animals, or our planet, I would be honored to help you establish and manage a Google Ad Grants program.

For more information, please contact me at